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HomeLWVCO Climate Emergency Task Force

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The League of Women Voters of Colorado’s
Climate Emergency Task Force
believes that we need to act immediately.

Join us!

1. Our Mission

Get the most from your League experience by joining the League of Women Voters of Colorado’s Climate Emergency Task Force.

Our members are passionate activists fighting climate change. We:

  • Inform and engage members across the state to promote collective actions necessary to address climate change issues
    in Colorado and to coordinate with LWVUS efforts

  • Increase the understanding and influence of major local and state climate related public policy, legislation, plans and actions
    through education and advocacy

  • Coordinate with local Leagues and other organizations advocating for policies to lessen, forestall, or adapt to climate change

  • Organize climate change webinars, workshops or presentations on major topics of interest to LWVCO members

  • Host forums for Climate Emergency Task Force members to share, learn, and connect with other members across the state

  • Facilitate sharing of information and ideas between and among LWVCO members

  • Promote climate justice and equity

2. Take Action!

We are not a study group. We are dedicated to action.

The LWVCO Legislative Action Committee (LAC) monitors and lobbies many
              bills each Legislative Session.

Monitor environmental bills of interest to League's LAC Committee.
              Go to the LWV of Colorado's LAC Committee
 webpage and scroll down to the
              'Environment & Climate' section.

For more information about Colorado General Assembly bills, go to their 'Bills'
              webpage and choose either the 'Natural Resources and Environment' section
              or the 'Water' section.

Our Climate Emergency Task Force teams are open to all League members
              in Colorado. Join us!

For more information about joining the League of Women Voters Climate
              Emergency Task Force, contact sandyschuster11 at sign gmail dot com.

To join the League of Women Voters (membership includes your local league,
              state league, and U.S. league), see our membership

3. Meet Our Teams

If you do not see your passion in that list, or if there's a climate issue that
              particularly affects your community, you can start a new topic and team.
Contact with your suggestion.

We support actions to replace energy generated from the burning of fossil fuels
              with energy generated from clean, renewable sources.

We also strive to improve air quality through the reduction of fossil fuels.
We monitor, provide input, and suggest actions at the state level.
We communicate with local leagues and with other organizations.
Read more about the Energy Team:
Energy Team

Human Migration and Climate Justice
Throughout human history, people have moved, always in search of a place better
              than their current surroundings.

Today climate change is forcing a new migration both in North America and
              around the world.

How will civil societies cope with massive flows of new and different peoples
              seeking a better life?

Read more about the Human Migration and Climate Justice Team:
Climate Emergency Human Migration Team

The Earth is drowning in plastic.
Recent research shows that the whole planet appears to be contaminated with
              microplastic pollution.

Scientists have found the particles everywhere they look, from the Arctic and
              mountain soils to rivers and oceans.

It has been found in the bodies of animals and even in placentas.
Plastic is produced from petroleum, organic gases, liquids and solids.
All of these ingredients of plastics add to the total load of greenhouse gases
              causing warming and pollution on our planet.

Research into it’s effects on the overall health of our planet and its inhabitants
              is critical.

Read more about the Plastics Team:
Plastics Team

Pollinators and Regenerative Agriculture
This team centers its work on addressing the threats and needs of our declining
              and diverse pollinator population.

Much of this decline of pollinators is attributed to a reduction of their habitat.
We study conservation practices that can be applied in your own backyard,
              as well as to roadside groves
or wide swaths of naturalized areas and agriculture’s cultivated areas.
Our paying attention to the treatment of soil that supports vegetation growth
              and is pesticide-free is a major consideration.

A changing climate has intensified weather events which has impacted
              our pollinators.

We are looking for members whose interest is in research on how to help them
              to adapt.

Read more about the Pollinators and Regenerative Agriculture Team:
Pollinators and Regenerative Agriculture Team

The Transportation team supports environmentally sound and equitable
              transportation solutions to reduce greenhouse gas pollution.

Their work focuses on greenhouse gas emission standards for transportation,
              climate equity, and public education promoting transition to zero emission

Read more about the Transportation Team:
Transportation Team

The Water team supports measures that promote the wise and balanced use of
              water in Colorado.

Read more about the Water Team:
Water Team

Air Quality
We do not currently have an Air Quality Team for this issue area.
Here is information on recent legislative activity in the Colorado
              General Assembly:

HB22-1244: Public protections from toxic air contaminants
Creates process for regulation of hazardous air pollutants through
              monitoring, emissions control, and identification of public health risks.

HB21-1189: Regulate air toxics
Changes definitions and processes for regulation of air pollution from
              stationary sources.

Requires additional monitoring and community notification.  HB21-1189

Hydraulic Fracturing Position Amendment Working Committee Announcement
League members will vote on the final position amendment at the LWVCO 2024 Annual Meeting
May 17-May 18. Watch the caucus video here.

Air Quality - Even On Exports!
"New EPA Proposal To Augment Methane Regulations Would Help Achieve an 87% Reduction From The Oil and Gas Industry By 2030"

Circular Economy:
"Nine Ways The Circular Economy Can Help Avert The Climate Crisis"

Climate Justice:
"How to Pay For Climate Justice When Polluters Have All The Money"

"U.S. Energy Information Agency Sees 23% Of U.S. Coal Generated Power Capacity Retired By End Of 2029"
"U.S. Can Reach 100% Clean Power By 2035, But Tough Reliability And Land Use Questions"
"Energy Department Awards $74M For Battery Recycling, Reuse"
"In Colorado, Oil Firms Fix Leaky Wells Ahead Of New Rules"

"Recycled Plastic Shopping Bags Used To Create Asphalt For Paving Siloam Rd In Pueblo County"

Pollinators/Regenerative Agriculture:
"Oregon Company Hopes Elevated Solar Panel Design Can Help Farmers And Ranchers Blend Solar Energy With Agricultural Production"

"The Most Important Electric Vehicles Could Be Rental Cars And Buses"
"Second-Life EV Batteries Can Bolster The Energy Storage Market — If Major Challenges Can Be Overcome"

"International Water Researcher Highlights Colorado Basin’s 'Disappearing' Groundwater"
"As Colorado River Dries, The U.S. Teeters On Brink Of Larger Water Crisis"

4. League of Women Voters Resources

The League of Women Voters of the United States Climate Emergency Resolution adopted at the 2020 National Convention:
LWV Climate Emergency Resolution

The League of Women Voters of the United States Climate Team (only League members can view the Climate Team page):
LWV Climate Team

The League of Women Voters of the United States Climate Change Task Force:
LWV Climate Change Task Force

The League of Women Voters of the United States Climate Emergency Resources:
LWV Climate Emergency Resources

The League of Women Voters of the United States Toolkit for Climate Change:
LWV Toolkit for Climate Change

The League of Women Voters of the United States Issue Positions:
LWV Issue Positions

The League of Women Voters of Colorado’s Issue Positions:
LWVCO Positions For Action

The League of Women Voters of Colorado’s Study Issues:
LWVCO Study Issues

5. Federal Agency Resources

Environmental Protection Agency:

Responsible for enforcing the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act among other laws.

Department of Energy:

Addresses energy, clean energy, climate change, and vehicles through science and innovation.

Department of Interior:

Conserves and manages the Nation’s natural resources: accelerate development of renewable energy; conserve at least 30% of our lands and waters by 2030; centering equity and environmental justice.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Dept of Commerce:

Provides daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings, and climate monitoring.

6. Colorado Legislation, Policy and Plans

For League positions, custom summaries and related background, see the LWVCO Legislative Action Committee Page:
LWVCO Legislative Action Committee

HB22-1249: Electric grid resilience and reliability roadmap.

Directs the Colorado Energy and Colorado Resiliency offices to develop a roadmap for improving the grid, including guidance on developing independent microgrids where needed.


HB22-1362:  Building greenhouse gas emissions. 

Colorado energy office to Identify for adoption model electric and solar ready code language and model low energy and carbon code language for updated building codes. Creates grant programs for high-efficiency electrification.


SB22-051: Policies to reduce emissions from built environment.

Tax credits for purchase and installation of heat pump systems and for residential energy storage systems.  Exempts from state sales and use tax all sales, storage, and use of eligible decarbonizing building materials.


Wildfire Risk Mitigation was targeted in bills for enhancing wildfire awareness outreach (SB22-007); establishing grants for local governments for long-term planning for mitigation and forest health (HB22-1011); developing a forest carbon co-benefit framework for project-level forest management practices (HB22-1012). 


HB21-1266: Environmental justice disproportionate impacted communities [DIC].

DIC defined in statute. Environmental justice action task force to address environmental justice inequities.  Requires reporting greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions as air pollutants; analysis of the social cost of GHG.  Modifies the mission of the Colorado energy office to include transition ing to equitable, low-carbon, and clean energy economy; promoting resources that reduce air pollution and GHG emissions.


HB21-1286:  Energy performance for buildings. 

AQCC to establish by rule performance standards for energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions reductions.


HB21-1303: Global warming potential for public project materials. 

State Architect and Dept of Transportation to establish maximum acceptable global warming potentials for certain construction materials.

HB19-1261: Climate Action Plan to Reduce Pollution.

Establish statewide greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution reduction goals of 26% by 2025, 50% by 2030, 90% by 2050 from 2005 levels.

SB19-096: Collect long-term climate change data.

SB19-181: Protect public welfare oil and gas operations.

SB19-236: Protect public welfare oil and gas operations.

HB19-1314: Just transition from coal-based energy economy.

Colorado Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Roadmap:

Establishes GHG reduction goals for different sectors. The largest sources of GHG pollution in Colorado are transportation, electricity generation, oil and gas production and fuel use in residential, commercial and industrial spaces.
CO GHG Pollution Reduction Roadmap

Climate Equity Framework:

Helps identify disproportionately impacted communities across Colorado based on statutory guidelines from HB 19-1261 and provides guidance to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment climate policies and programs to promote racial equity and economic justice.
Climate Equity Framework

7. State Agency Resources

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment - Climate Change:
CDPHE Climate Change

Colorado Energy Department "Colorado Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Roadmap":
CO GHG Pollution Reduction Roadmap

8. Colorado Regulatory Boards and Commissions

Monitor Colorado regulatory commissions' meetings and minutes online.

Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (CAQCC):


Monitor Colorado Air Quality Control Commission meetings and policy decisions, including greenhouse gas pollution reduction and ozone compliance; contribute to public comments:

Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT):

Review CDOT’s Transportation Commission meetings and policy decisions related to the management, construction, and maintenance of public highways and other transportation systems:

Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGC):

Find Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission meetings and policy decisions touching on protecting public health, safety, welfare, the environment, and wildlife resources; contribute to public comments; sign up for email updates:

Colorado Public Utility Commission (PUC):

Monitor Colorado Public Utility Commission meetings and policy decisions for rates, service, safety, and infrastructure involving energy (gas and electricity), telecom, transportation, wildfire mitigation, gas pipeline safety, and rail and transportation safety; contribute to public comments:

Colorado Water Quality Control Commission (CWQCC):

Learn about Colorado Water Quality Control Commission meetings and policy decisions:

Regional Transportation District (RTD):

Find Regional Transportation District directors’ board meetings and policy decisions; learn about the fully independent RTD Accountability Team; contribute to public comments:

9. Learn More About the Threat from Climate Change

International Panel on Climate Change:

The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change.

Rethinking Energy:

View Tony Seba’s “Rethinking Energy: 100% Solar, Wind and Batteries Is Just The Beginning” presentation on YouTube. This presentation forms part of the Joint Declaration recently published by the Global 100% RE Strategy Group and takes 12 minutes to view:
YouTube recording of "Rethinking Energy"

Project Drawdown Resources:

Project Drawdown - The World’s Leading Resource for Climate Solutions: 
Project Drawdown 

Project Drawdown - Climate Solutions 101: 
Climate Solutions 101

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