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HomeWhere The League Stands


LWVCO Action and Advocacy Team
 has provided this Where the League Stands Quick Reference Guide on the statewide ballot measures to promote informed voter participation. The League has studied both sides of a wide range of policy issues over its over 100-year history.

Based on the findings, the League has taken a stand on this year's ballot measures.

The LWVCO Legislative Action Committee monitors ballot issues year-round – both those referred by the General Assembly and citizen-led initiatives – to help voters stay informed and keep up to date on where the League stands.

The Legislative Action Committee is LWVCO's citizen lobbyist corps.  This group of nearly 40 dedicated members provides research and in-depth analysis to help voters look beyond pro and con arguments and gain a deeper understanding of what passage of a ballot issue will mean for our state and our communities.  We take our role in voter education and engagement very seriously.  




May include workshops for members, lobbying government officials, sending Action Alerts to members, petition drives, publishing information for the general public and the news media, and holding public forums. 

The League of Women Voters adopts positions on issues after members’ thorough study and member approval.


“The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that voting is a fundamental citizen right that must be guaranteed.”


Leagues use these positions to evaluate legislation. The voting rights position is the basis for Leagues opposing legislation restricting voting rights.



These two publications are designed to help League members use LWVUS and LWVCO public policy positions effectively at the state and local levels.

NOTE: For information on how to take action that the League supports or opposes, please visit our Take Action page.

LWVCO 2024 Positions for Action

LWVUS 2022-2024 Impact on Issues



A proposal by the Legislature which is referred to citizens for a vote.

A proposal by citizens who have gathered the required number of signatures.

Once a referendum or initiative meets the requirement to be placed on the ballot, it is then referred to as either an "Amendment" or "Proposition."  





Voting Methods

Support authorizing and implementing alternatives to plurality voting that allow people to express their preference more effectively.

Support of measures to establish an agency other than the General Assembly to redistrict the Colorado General Assembly and the Colorado Congressional Districts.  Support of redrawing the districts of both houses of the state legislature and the Colorado U.S. congressional districts based on specific criteria.

For further resources and redistricting activities, visit the University of Colorado Colorado Springs GeoCivics department.

Amending the Colorado Constitution
Support for clarity of language and suitability of topic and detail in proposed constitutional amendments.

Campaign Finance
Improve methods of financing political campaigns in order to ensure the public’s right to know, combat corruption and undue influence, enable candidates to compete more equitably for public office, and promote citizen participation in the political process.

Amending the Colorado Constitution
Support for clarity of language and suitability of topic and detail in proposed constitutional amendments.

Fiscal Policy
Support adequate and flexible funding of state government programs through an equitable tax system that is progressive and which incorporates social, environmental and economic goals. Oppose earmarking of funds and sales tax on food.

General Assembly
Support responsive legislative processes characterized by accountability, representativeness, decision making capability and effective performance.  Promote a dynamic balance of power between the executive and legislative branches within the framework set by the Constitution.

Individual Liberties
Support for the individual liberties guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

Initiative Process
Support for more stringent requirements for the passage of constitutional amendments than for initiated statutes and protection from legislative change for initiated statutes for a minimum of two years.

Justice System
Support of non-partisan selection of judges on an appointive-retentive basis; measures which facilitate efficient administration of justice rather than incarceration for nonviolent offenders; sentencing measures that protect the community, compensate victims and the community for the crimes of adult offenders, rehabilitate offenders, and emphasize the use of community-based sanctions. LWVUS position: Support abolition of the death penalty.

Juvenile Justice
Support of a juvenile justice system that has as its primary purpose the rehabilitation, safety and well being of the offender. Support of a system that promotes the juvenile’s understanding of the harm done and his/her responsibility to make amends to the victim and the  community, emphasizes alternatives to detention or commitment, and promotes the protection of the community and the juvenile’s successful reentry into the community.

Local Government
Local governments should be accountable, responsive, flexible, efficient, effective, able to raise sufficient revenues to perform their duties, and have adequate constitutional and statutory powers to cope effectively. 

National Popular Vote
The League of Women Voters of Colorado supports the direct popular vote method for electing the president and vice-president.

News Access & Literacy for Civic Participation
We support the following goals as being essential to a healthy democracy: barrier-free access to credible news, in whatever format it is published; control of news content remaining exclusively with news organizations, regardless of the form of support given; and media literacy throughout the community as a whole.

Air Quality
Promote measures to reduce pollution from mobile and stationary sources.

Support environmentally sound policies that reduce energy growth rates, emphasize energy conservation and encourage the use of renewable resources.

Environmental Planning and Management (Includes Hydraulic Fracturing)
Support of measures to improve the coordination, effectiveness and efficiency of governmental units within the state of Colorado and measures which promote integrated planning for environmental management, wise use of Colorado’s natural resources, comprehensive statewide planning for land use, and a balanced transportation system. Support policies that enhance public participation in the permitting and monitoring of oil and gas operations in the state.

Hazardous Materials
Support for adequate safeguards in the production, transportation, use, treatment, disposal and storage of hazardous and radioactive materials.

Land Use
LWVCO supports responsible land use planning by all levels of government. LWVCO supports the creation of regional boards and commissions to address regional concerns.

Waste Management
Promote policies to reduce the generation and promote the reuse and recycling of solid and hazardous wastes.

Support of measures that promote the wise and balanced use of water in Colorado. 

Child Care
Support state licensing and continued oversight by an adequate number of trained staff, and ensure availability of affordable quality child care to all children who need it.

Children's Support Systems
Support measures to encourage public responsibility for the protection, care and training of children, recognizing the primary importance of parental responsibility.

Support of a pre-K through 12 public education system in which a balanced curriculum of humanities, arts and sciences leads to life-long learning for all students. Support of a stronger leadership role for the Colorado Department of Education to promote educational improvements and standards for early childhood education.

School Finance (Pre-K-12)
Support for a state finance system that would equalize opportunity and relieve the property tax.

Equality of Opportunity
Support of equality of opportunity for education, employment and housing for all persons in the United States regardless of their race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability.

Gun Safety
Protect the health and safety of citizens through limiting the accessibility and regulating the ownership of handguns and semi-automatic weapons. Support regulation of firearms for consumer safety.

Health Care
Support access to adequate health care with funding by state and federal monies where necessary. LWVCO supports access to affordable, quality in- and out-patient behavioral health care, including needed medications and supportive services, for all people.  LWVCO supports access to behavioral health care that is integrated with, and achieves parity with, physical health care. (NOTE: LWVUS adopted the LWVCO Behavioral Health position in 2016.)

Higher Education
Higher education is a primary educational, research, cultural and economic force in Colorado.  The State of Colorado has a responsibility to support its public institutions of higher education and to assist the people of Colorado in attaining a postsecondary education.

Support policies to provide a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family.

Human Trafficking
Oppose all forms of domestic and international human trafficking of adults and children, including sex trafficking and labor trafficking.

Promote reunification of immediate families; meet the economic, business and employment needs of the United States; be responsive to those facing political persecution or humanitarian crises; and provide for student visas.

Income Assistance
Support income assistance programs, based on need, that provide decent, adequate standards for food, clothing and shelter.

Reproductive Choice
Protect the constitutional right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices.

Support for a state Department of Transportation to plan and coordinate all transportation modes in order to provide a balanced transportation system in Colorado which gives consideration to the needs of regional, county and local governments.  Funding for transportation should come from federal, state and local sources.

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