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Date: 5/8/2023
Subject: Don't Miss Our Red Flag Update
From: Rionda Osman

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Register for the update from Colorado Ceasefire on the new Extreme Risk Protection Order law. 
5:30 pm Wednesday 10 May 2023

Extreme Risk Protection Orders

Red Flag !

Rita Schweitz of Colorado Ceasefire will talk about the new Extreme Risk Protection Order law that Governor Polis has signed into law.  She will outline how this law can benefit our fellow citizens and how to apply for a protection order if needed. 


Rita Schweitz has been a Board member of Colorado Ceasefire for more than 20 years. She has volunteered with Ceasefire to strengthen Colorado’s gun violence prevention laws and to defeat bills that would have made Colorado less safe. She also has worked to support state candidates who support gun safety efforts and to strengthen the effectiveness of Colorado Ceasefire.  Before she retired, Rita facilitated strategic planning meetings for non-profit organizations, including the United Nations.


Colorado Ceasefire is the longest serving statewide, grassroots gun violence prevention organization in the State of Colorado. The organization is comprised of parents, teachers, students, community members, gun violence survivors and more who have been working for nearly twenty years to prevent and reduce gun violence in Colorado through education, outreach and legislative advocacy.  


Colorado Ceasefire was formed in 2000 as a political action committee (PAC), after the Colorado General Assembly failed to pass meaningful gun violence prevention laws following the Columbine High School mass shooting.  The organization formed a 501(C)4 (Colorado Ceasefire Legislative Action) shortly thereafter and focused their efforts on advocating for commonsense gun legislation that would prove to make a significant impact on reducing gun violence in our homes and communities.  In December of 2015, the organization added an educational and outreach branch (Colorado Ceasefire Outreach) a 501C3, to spread awareness of the dangers of gun violence and the ways we can minimize harm.



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